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Why Proper Isolation Matters for Lash Extensions

Have you ever wondered what makes your lash extensions look so flawless and feel so comfortable? It’s not just the magic of the extensions themselves but also the careful, behind-the-scenes work that goes into their application. One of the most critical steps in this process is proper isolation. At Lash Crush, we take pride in …

Discover Eyelash Extension Shapes with Lash Crush

At Lash Crush, we believe every set of eyelash extensions is an opportunity to enhance your natural beauty and express your unique style. With a diverse range of shapes and styles available, finding the perfect lashes to complement your features has never been easier. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of different eyelash extension …

Who Can Legally Perform Eyelash Extension Services in South Carolina?

In the ever-evolving beauty industry, eyelash extensions have become a popular way to enhance natural beauty and reduce daily makeup time. As the demand for these services grows, so does the importance of understanding the legal requirements for those who wish to offer eyelash extension services. In South Carolina, strict regulations are in place to …